Boots & Shoes - $133 50/50 - $126
Guests - Dixon Rotarian, Leo Patterson, RF Rotarian, Cheryl Faber
Fritiof was absent due to traveling.
Program - Dana Mccoy introduced Deb Keaschall from CGH. Deb has served on the CGH team for 24 years and is currently the Auxiliary/Volunteer/Chaplaincy Program Manager and Ethics Coordinator. Deb spoke about the auxiliary and its long history of 72 years and the many things they help with including the patient volunteer program, managing the gift shop, fundraisers and purchasing items for CGH such as the holiday lighting. . She shared an inspirational story of Charles Plumb, a pilot during the Vietnam War who parachuted from his damaged plane and was taken captive and held as a POW for 6 years. He shares the story of meeting the person who packed his parachute. And he ties that to a presentation he gives about "Who Packed your Parachute?". Deb illustrated how volunteers at the hospital pack parachutes each day in helping patients and families at CGH. Thanks Deb for sharing.
- Cheryl Faber thanked us for our sponsorship for Relay of Life and presented Christy with a certificate and T-Shirt. As outgoing Assistant District Governor, also thanked us for our support over the past year.
- June 25 - You won't want to miss the Final meeting of our fiscal year. Please plan to attend.
- Brice's email:
Be the Inspiration"