Boots & Shoes - $165 50/50 - $50
Guests - Sunrise Rotarian - Roger Wait, Dixon Rotarian Leo Patterson and RF Rotarian Bob Sondgeroth
Student Guests - Tessa DeJonge - SHS and Joselyn Reed and Nate Ahlers - NHS
Program - Gunnar Ortgieson introduced Bob Sondgeroth
Bob presented information about the motorcycle ride to raise funds for St. Jude's Children's Hospital. It is an amazing group of riders who are passionate about riding but more importantly the good work of St. Jude's hospital.
The club passed the hat and raised $889. The club added $111 to make it $1,000. Thank you members for your generosity.
- By-Laws - A members meeting was held, where a quorum was present. A motion was made by Dave Hellmich to approve the by-laws as presented. Second by Tim Schwingle. Motion carried. Now the club is able to proceed with incorporation.
- CONGRATULATIONS! - It was noted at the meeting that new member Bill Mclemore celebrated his 50th anniversary in Rotary. So pleased to have Bill and Lori in our club.
- Club 505 - Seeking a member to coordinate this event.
- New Members - Mike Banks and Greg Banks were inducted into our club. Welcome Mike and Greg.
- Oct. 12 - Polio walk beginning at Centennial Park at 9am. See Tim Schwingle if interested in ordering a t-shirt.
- Nov. 5 - Veteran's Day Program - let John G. know if you are bringing a guest.