Boots & Shoes   $33  Great job Tim & Ed
50/50 - $171 No winner today.
 Eye shared with us about her week.
Guests today - Betty Clementz - RF Rotary
                           Darryl Wahler - Sunrise Rotary
2 students from Newman High School were in attendance today.
Program -     Steve Munson introduced John Booker, Lieutenant with the Whiteside County Sheriff's Department.   John shared with us the responsibilities of the department, courthouses, jails, civil process serveing, patroling the county, kitchen and cooks for the jail population.   They cover a significant amount of territory and in 2016 accumulated over 540,000 miles.  Other programs the department is proud of are, the Giving Tree, DARE, Safe Passages, Fishing Derby.   Not only do they provide safety for our county, they give back to the community and are friends of youth.  Thanks John.
  • District Conference is April 28 - 30 at Starved Rock.    
  • Student Excellence Event is scheduled for April 19 at Abiding Word Church.  
  • Membership Day is May 2 - Speaker Greg Baise from the IL Manufacturer Association.
  • Try to get your programs to Carolyn well in advance so they can be posted in the newsletter.