Boots & Shoes  -  $ 66  - Good job Ray & Dirk!
50/50 - $129 - No winner today!
Guests:  Pastor Kirk & Stephanie Neugebauer - of Messiah Lutheran Church - Visitors
              Amber Beveroth  - guest of Paul Osborn
              Dick Houston - Retired RFHS teacher - guest of Dave Murray
Program was hosted by Dave Murray 
Dave introduced Nicole Frampton - History teacher at RFHS. 
Nicole developed an interest in the Holocaust and has developed her education on this subject as well as other genocides in the world.
She has traveled to several concentration camps in Poland and through her connection with other educators was able to see things that are not typical of the average tourist.  
We applaud Nicole for recognizing the importance of educating our youth on these horrific times in history to raise awareness and encourage kindness to others.
Thank you Nicole.
  • Kevin announced our club Vice President, Mike Sprague and new board member Gunnar Ortgieson.  Congratulations!
  • Board continues to research lunch options.  August 2 is Angelo's.
  • Dave Murray announced that on July 27, 28 & 29, there will be B17-B24 & B25 planes at the airport to view and ride in.   Thursday is the full day of this event so mark your calendars to attend.
  • Mike Sprague announced the Newman Golf Outing on Sat., July 30.   It is filling up fast, so call now to enter a team. 
  • Bob Hawkins announced Aug. 16 as their annual Fundraiser for the Food Bank - Come out for Food and Fun!